Trailer Episode

Technology and the Mind is a podcast dedicated to exploring the intersection between contemporary psychoanalytic theory and consumer technology use. Each month we interview a practicing psychoanalyst who will explore and apply what we know about key psychoanalytic concepts of the mind and relationships to technology use cases. We will get underneath the conscious, obvious dimensions of these issues and we hope to stimulate your imagination and help you to become more curious about your relationship to the technology products and services you use. We hope you will join us on Technology and the Mind.

Related Episodes

8. Critical Sexuality Studies and SexTech with Dr. Michelle Marzullo

In this episode, Dr. Michelle Marzullo, chair of the Department of Critical Sexuality Studies at CIIS discusses her work and the importance of technology in sexuality studies. She provides a queer, intersectional and critical lens and shares a few projects she and her students are working on at the intersection of sexuality studies and technology.

July 5, 2024

7. Human Virtuality and Digital Life: Philosophical and Psychoanalytic Investigations

In this episode long time friends and collaborators, Drs. Richard Frankel and Victor Krebs carry on a decade long conversation in person and in google docs resulting in the book, Human Virtuality and Digital Life, a delightful and rich discussion of the philosophical understandings of virtuality as well as implications for the psyche. Their discussions are far reaching and deep leveraging myths, critical thought, important philosophers and psychoanalytic theorists. In the end we discuss AI, thinking, dreaming, and the generational divide and post-truth political landscape that is fueled by technology.

For additional resources please see:
Dreaming in the Digital Age, Thoughts on the Technological Pharmakon. POLIGRAFI , 28 (109/110), pp. 59-82.:

Digital Animism. Towards a New Materialism, Religions 2023, 14(2), 264;

The Power of Ghosts, Jung Journal Culture and Psyche September 2013

May 20, 2024

6. The Importance of Professional Advocacy for Mental Health Treatment Choice in the Times of Ubiquitous Technology

In this episode Dr. Linda Michaels, Chair and Co-Founder of the Psychotherapy Action Network (PsiAn) discusses grassroots efforts to provide public information and advocacy for therapies of depth, insight and relationship. She discusses the role of marketing as a major source of information to the public about treatment options for mental health. Further she emphasizes that psychoanalysts and psychodynamically-oriented clinicians should advocate and educate the public, particularly while there are significant strategic interests in among tech apps, investors and insurance companies in shaping the marketplace for consumers.

April 2, 2024