Technology and the Mind is a podcast dedicated to exploring the intersection between contemporary psychoanalytic theory and consumer technology use. Each month we interview a practicing psychoanalyst who will explore and apply what we know about key psychoanalytic concepts of the mind and relationships to technology use cases. We will get underneath the conscious, obvious dimensions of these issues and we hope to stimulate your imagination and help you to become more curious about your relationship to the technology products and services you use. We hope you will join us on Technology and the Mind.
The Center for Psychoanalysis and Technology was founded to provide a space to engage psychoanalysts in conversations about consumer technology including how it impacts and is impacted by our psyches. While many people in business, technology, ethics, and social sciences have been interested in these issues, psychoanalysis, with its emphasis on the unconscious dynamics within the individual, between individuals and within groups is uniquely positioned to enter the dialogue. The Center is a place to begin and continue the conversation.